The last great offensive of the German-Italian forces in Tunisia to halt the advance of the English and American forces which landed in Marocco in ’42. The board is a three dimensional map consisting of a reproduction of the area on three levels.
Degree of difficulty: 5/6
7 cardboard tables to be used to establish the outcome of combat and artillery fire.
Calendar indicating the entries onto the battlefield, the rounds divided into days and nights, air raids and all other indications necessary to the game.
Pieces in matte finish cardboard, cut and coloured on both sides.
Board in rigid, thick cardboard with a matte plastic finish, cut into 5 pieces.
Relief sections in rigid, thick cardboard to be used to create the three-dimensionality of the terrain.
Rule booklet in 4 languages with examples.
Plastic storage tray and dice.
- Rommel: The Last Glory in Kasserine
Voti e commenti per Rommel
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Materiali molto belli, regolamento complesso. Le regole della logistica e della catena di comando lo rendono farraginoso
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Wargame classico ben ambientato. Peccato che le regole siano un colabrodo...
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