In a post-apocalypse future (à la Mad Max), with scarce resources and few individuals, the survivor clans resolve disputes through ritualised racing instead of open warfare. You are one of these mad drivers. Only the first place counts, and no holds are barred.
The print-yourself components include 10 two-sided race track segments, six player cars and control panels (with tokens for shift gear and engine temperature), a 54 card deck (of additional car equipment) and armour, tires, brakes and turbo tokens. Five dice are also needed.
On your turn, you can speed up, slow down or change gears. This is cleverly handled by the control panel, where speed is vertical and gears horizontal - but not all grid points are connected. You can only go so fast in first gear! The gear diagram is also colour-coded to indicate how bad the engine heat test is. In addition, you may spend brake or turbo tokens (to slow down or speed up further).
You manoeuvre your car from lane to lane - but this depends on speed and your driving skill test. The faster you go, the less you can switch lanes. Tire tokens are spent for extra lane changes. If you ram an obstacle or another player, armour tokens are spent. Other cars could end up being pushed. A favourite technique is the Rush N' Crush, where you speed up right behind your opponent so as to crush him forcefully.
- Rush N' Crush