Non sono esperto di wargame ma speravo un pochino meglio. Non c'era moltissima scelta nelle azioni diciamo. E troooppa fortuna
Saladin is the first game of the series "En Ordre de Bataille" which will present for each volume a legendary medieval leader and two battles in which he has shown himself. When the game meets History: Saladin is a game intended to recreate the famous battles of Hattin and Arsuf where Saladin was opposed to the crusaders troops of Guy de Lusignan and then to those of Richard the Lionheart. With Saladin take charge of one of the armies that fought each other. Order your horsemen to harass the crusaders ranks or launch a devastating charge with your heavily armored knights. Saladin is an epic game for history and strategy fans. Will you be able to lead your men to victory? Saladin is a historical wargame for 2 players. Having chosen one of the two battle scenarios and set up the game, each player, in turn, will order one of their Banners. He will make them fight in order to disorganize those of their opponent. For this it will be necessary to spend Order tokens, the number of which will decrease at the beginning of each turn. The player who will manage to preserve the cohesion of his troops by retaining the precious Order tokens will be declared the winner.
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Qualche spunto interessante per gli appassionati del periodo. Purtroppo peró non mantiene le promesse, troppo light e legato all'alea. Gameplay piatto e decisioni scripted. La necessitá di adattarsi immediatamente al risultato dei dadi e il gioco attendista non bastano a salvarlo. Cosí come un paio di buone idee che peró non sono state sviluppate.
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