Relive the mythical deeds of the barbarian described by the pen of Robert E. Howard in an anthology at crossroads between mortal trials, monstrous creatures and evil sorcerers taken from the original tales of the master of the Sword & Sorcery genre: The elephant tower, The palace of the the dead, The God in the Urn, The Palace Intruders and The Ice King's Daughter. For the first time the best Italian authors of interactive fiction join forces to create a story with numerous alternative endings set in the unexplored corners of the Hyborian continent, from the Cimmerian villages to the corrupt heart of the City of Thieves, passing through the icy peaks of Nordheim. Antonio Costantini, Andrea Tupac Mollica, Alberto Orsini, Lorenzo Trenti and Valentino Sergi are the exceptional signatures of this project for which an innovative Deck System has been created consisting of 3 different sets of cards. Now it's time to take up the sword and go on an adventure! For Crom! A truly epic game book!
- Il Sangue del Barbaro
Voti e commenti per Il Sangue del Barbaro
Librogame a tema Conan il barbaro. Si rivivono le sue gesta, immergendosi nel suo mondo fatto di stregoneria, acciaio, tesori, donne affascinanti, creature mostruose.. insomma.. è Conan al 100%. Grandissimo.
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