ho provato questo gioco grazie a mia zia che conosce il grafico, (che ha fatto un lodevole lavoro, visto la belezza dei disegni).
le meccaniche sono molto interessanti, e che non avevo trovato in altri giochi.
andrebbe aumentata l'importanza delle carte città, che sono relativamente irrilevanti, sulle due partite che ho fatto almeno.
la dipendenza linguistica è in realtà molto scarsa, perchè le carte si interpretano benissimo senza leggere dopo aver letto il regolamneto.
credo che con qualche accorgimento possa diventare un ottimo prodotto, essendo già buono.
Schinderhannes is a deduction game based on the mechanisms of Old Town.
The story is about the (in)famous robber Johannes Bückler, widely known as "Schinderhannes". He robbed, stole and murdered in Germany in the 18th/19th century for (only!) about 5 years, before he was beheaded in Mainz in 1803.He was one of the most famous executees (at that court) and his execution was watched by thousands. Nevertheless, not much about the man is known.
In the game the players have to find out, where Schinderhannes' crimes took place .They play cards ("rumours" or "police files") with information like "In the Autumn of 1798, Schinderhannes and Peter Petrie tried to steal a donkey in one of these places: Antes Mühle, Bärenbach, Hundsbach, Meddersheim" or "The Livestock theft took place in the South" or "The Donkey Theft was in the neighbouring district, next to the Arrest". For each clue marker a player removes due to this, he receives one point. If all crimes are defined (only one place left for each crime), the game ends and the player who has gathered the most points wins.
- Schinderhannes