L'idea del gioco è molto carina, peccato che abbia molte lacune nel regolamento.
Mio figlio (ad oggi 5 anni) ci si diverte molto.
The Shark Park box is full of everything that is needed to feed a hungry shark:
1 brightly colored game board: showing the map of the sea divided up into 60 squares. The center squares are numbered from 2 to 4 and these are the Schools of Fish. The board also shows the sharks’ appetite level in order: Feeling peekish (green), Hungry (yellow) and Starving! (red).
4 colored player boards: (blue, purple, orange and pink) one for each player, to store the fish eaten.
16 Shark counters: (blue, purple, orange and pink) – these are the poor hungry sharks and their position in the sea;
36 Fish counters: these are the lovely tasty fish. On the back of the counter is a number (2, 3 or 4), to show how many points have been won;
1 Fish bone counter: this is the special sign that acts as a “scare away”, a special effect;
4 colored wooden counters: (blue, purple, orange and pink) one for each player, to show his appetite level on the game board.
And last of all, the rulebook in 5 languages: English, German, French, Dutch and Italian.
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Gioco per bambini. Le regole però non sono così immediate e anche il set-up non è banale quindi difficile immaginare una preparazione in maniera autonoma. Come meccanica e strategia potrebbe andare ma ho notato che c'è uno sbilanciamento incredibile a favore del giocatore che inizia che risulta difficilmente colmabile. - [Autore del commento: ottobre31]
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