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SI, the Sporting Word Game, was published by Parker Bros. for Sports Illustrated. The game comes with 30 letter dice (a la Scribbage), 14 cards and a shaker. Each card shows a different sport, with an illustration of the sport plus bonus words. The letters have no numbers on them, just one letter per side. You spell words and must join them like a crossword puzzle. All words have to relate to the sport on the card turned over for you or they don't score. Otherwise, use basic Scrabble rules for word creation. They give you hints on how to find words (participants in the sport, equipment used, scoring terms, setting, special language). A turn is a maximum of five minutes. You get one point for each cube you use, double that for bonus words, and a 25-point bonus if you use all 30 dice. First player or team to 200 points wins.
- SI, the Sporting Word Game