Ottima Ambientazione per il Miglior Gioco di Ruolo Italiano!
In Italy, after the Fascist regime fell, a stern theocracy was established, led by Pope Leo XIII, then succeeded by Pope Leo XIV. This new state brought the life of Italian citizens back to the Middle Ages; many inventions of the modern era have been prohibited or are used only by the few priviliged; Italian lands look like anachronistic places, where old automobiles pass by religious processions and Inquisition bonfires, where Templars in shining armours join forces in defending the populace with the Dead Hunters, veterans of the World War. In the Papacy, the eager religious fanaticism brought a fierce war to the heresies and to everything that's opposed to the Pope. Meanwhile, hidden in the darkest corners, untouched by the light filtering through the ecclesial aisles, writhes a multitude of sects, obscure and sinister, luminous and terrible, powerful and immoral.
- Sine Requie: Sanctum Imperium