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Squeeky is a racing game for children. Every player gets 7 mice with hidden numbers 1-7. The board shows a starting area for every player and a table with a large piece of cheese on it. All paths go to a common path on the table which leads to the middle, the goal. In their turn, a player throws two dice. For each die they can move one of their mice towards the cheese. If they manage to outstrip other mice or land on the same space on the table, they catch these mice and the mice's points count for them at the end. They earn also points for every mouse that managed to get to the cheese. The game ends when one player has no more mice on the board. All caught mice and all owned mice at the goal count their points, all mice that were caught by other players count negative. The player with most points wins.
- Squeeky
- סקוויקי