A game from Japan, it is a cross between a dexterity game and a wagering game.
Players are real estate barons investing in high rises. On a players turn, he rolls as many dice as there are floors in the building in which he is invested. These "floors" are composed of dice with 0-4 windows on them. As floors are stacked, they must ascend from 0 to 4, and then back around. After a player rolls, he determines how many floors he can and wants to build. If he builds at least 5 floors, he earns $10K. If he builds the tallest building (with a minimum of 15 stories) he gets $10K. If he knocks his building down, all of the investors in the building pay $20K.
Play for three rounds, and the player with the most cash wins.
- Stack Market
- Gra Gra Company
- Gra-Gra Company
- グラグラカンパニー