"Long-horned, fertile bulls and fat, milky cows are grazing on the grasslands of the neighbouring clan. War spoils pillaged from our grandfathers still hang on the walls of the enemy house. We will not suffer it any longer! It is time all the clansmen assembled to raid across the border. Let all, from the chieftain to the youngest lad seize as many of the herd as they can!"
Tàin is a game of bluff and tactics, in which you become a leader of a Celtic clan in ancient Ireland. Your task is to make your clan prosper by raiding your opponents‘ grasslands for their cattle. They do not waste their time either and send their own warriors to your pastures to steal your herds. Only by cleverly ordering your clansmen, guessing your opponents‘ moves and tricking them without letting them guess your real plans you can secure a place for yourself in the great chronicles of clan rivalry.
- Tàin
- Tain