The cards show coins, possibly Roman, but this is a very abstract card game with a memory element.
Players try to collect as many victory points as possible by collecting series of four consecutively numbered cards.
Game play
The 54 coin cards have values from 1 to 19 printed on both sides. The value on one side differs from that of the other side by a maximum of two.
The goal of the game is to collect series of four coins with consecutive values (e.g. 1-2-3-4 or 9-10-11-12). Series of four are exchanged for victory point cards. There are 12 victory point cards with values from 18 to 7. The first player to collect a series gets the 18-point victory card, the next series is worth 17 points and so on, so the sooner you complete series, the better.
On his/her turn, a player has the following choices:
They can take the top card from the draw deck and use it in their own card display.
They can give the top card from the draw deck to one of the other players and get a single (i.e. not part of a series) card from that player's display. Before they can add it to their own display, they have to turn the card over, so its value can be up to two points lower or higher than what they originally saw.
They can take the top card from a completed series for which another player has already scored points. That card has to be turned over and used with its other side up too.
If a player manages to incorporate a card into his/her card display, they get another turn (limit: 3 consecutive turns). There is no limit on how many rows a player can start in his/her display.
The game ends when there are no cards left in the draw deck.
The player with the most victory points wins the game.
- Titus
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