After Journeying the Tokaido road, it is now time to discover the island of Shikoku in Tokaido Duo! In Tokaido Duo, two players pace the smallest isle of the Japanese archipelago. You will discover its many sceneries through the eyes of three different characters, and will thus experience a threefold spiritual journey. As the Pilgrim, you will visit temples, forests, seashores and hot springs. As the merchant, you will craft and sell handmade wares. As the artist, you will paint a variety of beautiful sceneries, and gift them to passers-by. You will earn points through all three characters' adventures as you slowly become one with their endeavours.
- Tokaido Duo
- 東海道デュオ
Voti e commenti per Tokaido Duo
In questa reimplementazione duel di Tokaido, i due giocatori dovranno muovere un pellegrino, un pittore ed un commerciante alla scoperta dell'isola di Shikoku. Seppur rimane un gioco zen e rilassante, la meccanica dei 3 dadi per il movimento dei personaggi, in cui a turni alternati un giocatore ne seleziona due e l'altro solo uno, introduce un po' di tensione ed interazione. Tutto sommato meglio del predecessore.
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