non proprio lineare, ma una volta capito soddisfa. non tropo lungo, materiali discreti. fondamentale nel posizionamento l'equilibrio vacche\edifici o si rischia di rimaner tagliati fuori. i cowboy allafine sembra svolgano un ruolo quasi marginale.
From the Publisher's web site:
Way out West is a dinner party murder mystery game for 10 to 14 guests and a host.
[NEW! -- this game now includes a FREE special version written for kids and younger teens.]
Join us in a thrilling evening of scheming, intrigue and skulduggery. You will be in the middle of the action and it will be up to you to wheel and deal with the other guests. Can you achieve your goals, keep your secrets hidden and survive Way out West? It's up to you.
It is the spring of 1884. America's west coast is slowly being populated with small towns full of settlers, coming to prospect for precious metals, set up ranches and run dubious saloons. Now the railway is coming! Cactus Gulch is one such small town. Founded 20 years ago, tonight it has a festive air as the townsfolk get set to start their 20th anniversary celebrations. Plus, the railway is coming! However, all is not running smoothly. Land disputes, disreputable card games, strange folk from out of town and hostile Indians are all adding to a tense atmosphere...
Way out West lasts for about four hours and is suited to an evening. It is often played over a meal - a finger buffet if possible to allow guests to circulate and talk in private.
The free introductory pdf file (79 KB) contains an introduction to the game, a list of all the characters, an invitation to send to your guests, a copy of the Cactus Gulch Gazette - plus details of how to buy the game.
- Way Out West