Clavigola dall'Archimede alla Hasbro

Clavigola, il vincitore del Premio Archimede 2006, verra' pubblicato dalla Hasbro. Il gioco e' stato progettato da Pietro Rubolino, Teodoro Mitidieri e Francesco Sciacqua, detti QMAM.

Fonte: BoardGameNews


Clavigola, il vincitore del Premio Archimede 2006, verra' pubblicato dalla Hasbro. Il gioco e' stato progettato da Pietro Rubolino, Teodoro Mitidieri e Francesco Sciacqua, detti QMAM.

Fonte: BoardGameNews


Archimede Award Winner Clavigola will be published by Hasbro

Hasbro will publish the winner of the Archimede Award 2006 (a contest for unpublished games held in Venice and organized by Studiogiochi)

The name of the game will be Clavigola and it is set in the ancient Rome:

”Heirs to some of the most prominent Roman Gentles, your ambition is to become the new Emperor. You will do everything you can through commerce, intrigue, and manipulation to outrank the competition and even the emperor, Caligula himself, whose popularity and charisma falter every day. So you will use your skills to be able to trade the right commodities in the right cities and at the right moment: this will lead you to gain the points you need to become Emperor and win the game”

Nevertheless, both name and theme are likely to be changed; the game is for 3-5 players, aged 10+ and with a duration of about 45/60 min;

Release date is March 2009 and it will be signed by QMAM, a mysterious term used by the authors Pietro Rubolino, Teodoro Mitidieri, and Francesco Sciacqua to identify their grop; the game has been developed with the help of Studiogiochi.