Gioco pregevole e setting originale, ma la meccanica è ormai vecchia e poco agile.
From the back cover:
AGONE, an epic role-playing game in the Twilight Realms
At the dawn of time, the Muses breathed life and magic into Harmundia. Then the Masque came, a renegade set on putting all mortals under his yoke. The Eclipse darkened the sky and Twilight descended upon the world. Since then, the humans and the nine seasonling races have build the Twilight Realms. Now the enemies are more deceitful and more powerful than ever. The Masque has returned, and the evil Darken is creeping into the Realms. Once again, as the Eminences Grise foretold it, war is setting Harmundia ablaze!
Let the Drama begin!
Born in the wake of Agone of Roundrock, the Inspired have already led full lives and believe their hour of glory has come and gone. But fate has decided otherwise, for they carry the Flames of the Muses. As an Eminence Grise, the time has come for you to bring those inspired by the flame - lords, merchants, highwaymen and magicians - together to fight the enemy.
You are the last hope!
Discover a dark and baroque Heroic Fantasy world where weapons clash and spells thunder. In this setting of intrigues and marvels, be a baron respected by his subjects, a magical minstrel admired by all, an elusive acrobat assassin, or a Machiavellian spy. Learn to master the four Magical Arts and the Ascendancy, the magic of the Dancers. Play the part of a brawny ogre, a mysterious black fey, a hunting sprite, a plotting medusa, a wandering spriggan, a sturdy dwarf, a minotaur or an awe-inspiring giant!
Will you be able to protect your flame at all costs?
- Agone