Gioco di carte carino con tema orribile. Il punteggio finale è interessante, un po' meno a mio parere lo svolgimento dei turni così come la componente di memoria (che a me non piace di solito nei giochi).
Arturo - A Spooktacular Birthday Party' is a game in which you have to help little Arturo's eccentric family plan their birthday party. Each player has a secret family plan where they declare which family members will do a better job. In each round the player must choose a familiar card to collect the items needed for the party, focusing on getting the ones that best suit their game objectives. Getting the characters who contributed the most to the party to the top of your family plan is an integral part of the strategy. When the piles of cards in the center of the table are exhausted, the player who has trusted the best family members will win the game.
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