Il sistema di Borg applicatalo alla guerra di secessione. Funziona piuttosto bene, il gioco è da tempo fuori produzione ma è un buon wargame introduttivo. Qui ci sono pure le miniatire yankee e confederate.
Unlike the other well known games called Battle Cry, this one is about modern warfare from the 70´s. You fight with ground and air units, but you don´t have atomic strike forces. There are two parties (red and blue), but you can play it with up to ten people, so that everybody can lead a part of the army. There is a large board, 80x150cm, with a painting on it, including power stations, railroads, roads, hills and rivers. Each party rules the following units: Commandos, Infantry, Recon, Grenade launchers, Engineers (Anti-mines and bridges), Tanks, Artillery, Flak, Minefields, Air-bases, Paratroops, Jet-fighters and bombers. Every unit has different move and battle strengths. You must coordinate your movements with the players in your team. A commander in staff will be elected, before the battle starts. First the units will be set-up face-down, so that your opponent can´t see your troops. Every player has 100 numbers, to determine each unit on a small sheet of paper, showing the whole map. Unfortunately this game is not well known.
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