From Fantasy Flight Games (publishers):
BattleLore: Horrific Horde provides forty-two additional figures for your BattleLore army, including two never-before-seen troop types, as well as even more of the primary Goblinoid staples that are available in both the core set and the Goblin Marauders expansion. With all these added units, Goblins will no longer be relegated to serving as mercenary forces for a standard human army. The time has come to let loose the fury of the Horde!
8-page rule booklet, including 5 new adventures
42 figures:
12 Goblin Halberdiers
12 Goblin Swordsmen
6 Ogres
6 Hobgoblin Cavalry (=Lizard riders from BattleLore base set)
6 Hobgoblin Hyena Riders (first appeared in BattleLore: Goblin Marauders Specialist Pack)
14 banners (only 4 of which are of the fleur-de-lys type)
2 Specialist cards (Ogres and Halberdiers)
2 Unit Summary cards (Ogres, Hyena Riders)
2 Weapon Summary cards (Slings, Halberds)
1 Medieval Tactics card (Battle-Savvy troops)
15 Goblin Deployment cards for BattleLore: Call to Arms
- BattleLore: Horrific Horde
- BattleLore: Horde Horrifique
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Nuove miniature, pochi nuovi scenari.....
Espansione per molti versi simile ad "Heroes": con questa nuova aggiunta aumentano le creature mostruose che, sul campo di battaglia, portano scompiglio, devstazione e -naturalmente- divertimento!
L'atmosfera Fantasy si sente un poco di più: dettaglio, a mio parere, importante in un gioco come questo.
Carine le miniature, prezzo un pò troppo alto.
Perché il mio voto é un 10? E' un altro bel tassello per arricchire il Battlelore di bse.
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