BERLIN—Fall of the 3rd Reich is a detailed new Historical Module VARIANT product for owners of BEYOND VALOR. Now hold on one nano-second. This compatible thing is getting a new twist. This product comes with all the SMC, MMC, AFV and Gun counters you need to play. Just bring your rulebook and marker counters. We provide a complete set of FULL COLOR VARIANT counters to play the game. Every tank, gun and man you need to play the scenarios is provided.
The street-level map at 50-yards scale is simply unprecedented. Fight your way across the urban Berlin battlefield literally from house-to-house. The map is the closest thing to an aerial photo-with-hexes ever published—without hex side issues. The map is flat out playable and pretty at the same time. Check it out for yourself using the link below—but be sure to note you just do not get a feel for how LARGE this map is—it consists of two 24 x 36 sheets—by looking at the web sample.
The NEW DIE CUT COUNTERS provide Red Banner squads, fanatic Hitler Youth, Volksturm and MORE, using professional new art for each little man. You also receive AFDs like the ISU152, Soviet Artillery tractors, Konigstigers, and a heck of a lot more—all in new FULL COLOR VARIANT editions. All of this and a lot more is found in Berlin—Fall of the 3rd Reich.
Features include:
Two sheets (a total of 592) of BRAND NEW die-cut variant counters, representing all the SMC and MMC counters, plus AFVs and guns, that you will need to play the game IN NEW FULL COLOR FORMAT, including Red Banner squads, Hitler Youth, Soviet Artillery Tractors and more;
Two large linking historical game maps on heavyweight stock;
16 scenarios printed on cards;
VARIANT Rules Booklet and Play Aid Card;
A handy ziploc bag to keep it all in.
- Berlin: Fall of the 3rd Reich
- ASL Comp: Berlin Final Days
- Berlin: Final Victory