Divertente svago poter provare delle mappe di autori famosi,avendone giocate un paio sforando anche con il numero degli eroi ed usando house rules(6Vs1), vi dico che facendo l'overlord li ho stesi quasi tutti senza farli vincere =)))
Descent: Quest Compendium presents in one 96-page hardbound volume sixteen of Descent's most cunning, deadly, and puzzling scenarios to your gaming table, brought to you by a team of acclaimed and award-winning game designers and authors.
• Monte Cook (D&D 3rd Edition) sounds an angel's plea for help to save the world from being pulled across a dimensional divide and permanently warping reality.
• Keith Baker (Gloom) leads heroes directly into the middle of a deadly blood feud between two restless spirits of hatred embodied. Caught in the epic battle, choosing a side will be the hardest decision to make.
• Kenneth Hite (Where the Deep Ones Are) adapts a classic film to the fantastic setting of Descent and finds an unlikely ally only too happy to help uncover a precious treasure, but for a price...
• Mike Selinker (Yetisburg) entraps the heroes within a demonic puzzle that threatens to destroy the world we know in a whirl of chaos.
• John Kovalic (Dark Tower) takes you back to an old haunt on an unexpected mission on behalf of a former enemy, featuring some of John Kovalic's trademark wit and commentary.
- Descent: Journeys in the Dark – Quest Compendium – Volume One