With Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) - Ariad Lieutenant Pack, heroes across Terrinoth will have new reason to fear the overlord when he unleashes this deadly agent against unsuspecting foes. As one of the overlord's most cunning agents, Ariad keeps the heroes off balance with her "Dark Illusions" Plot deck.
The overlord can disguise his dark schemes with the mirages and phantoms contained in this Plot deck, using them to fool the heroes and keep them off guard en route to their ultimate demise. Meanwhile, your monsters with the Cursed trait will reap the benefits of Ariad's influence, and with Phantasm, you can lead the heroes on a merry chase.
- Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) – Ariad Lieutenant Pack
- Descent: Die Reise ins Dunkel (Zweite Edition) – Ariad Hauptmann-Set
- Descent: Viaggi nelle Tenebre (Seconda Edizione) – Pack Luogotenente Ariad
- Descent: Viaje a las Tinieblas (Segunda Edición) – Lugarteniente Ariad
- Descent: Wędrówki w mroku (Druga edycja) – Ariada – zestaw poplecznika