With Lieutenant Packs for Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition, you can replace the game’s lieutenant tokens and bring the overlord’s most powerful agents to life. The Merick Farrow Lieutenant Pack features a detailed plastic figure that places its deadly operative, one of Terrinoth’s greatest necromancers, on equal footing with the realm’s champions. Moreover, it includes a plot deck and rules that allow the overlord to pursue devious new strategies, allowing this power-hungry magician to challenge Terrinoth’s heroes throughout any campaign!
- Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) – Merick Farrow Lieutenant Pack
- Descent: Die Reise ins Dunkel (Zweite Edition) – Merick Farrow Hauptmann-Set
- Descent: Viaggi nelle Tenebre (Seconda Edizione) – Pack Luogotenente Merick Farrow
- Descent: Viaje a las Tinieblas (Segunda Edición) – Lugarteniente Merick Farrow
- Descent: Wędrówki w mroku (Druga edycja) – Merick Farrow – zestaw poplecznika
- 深入絕地: 梅里克.法羅 邪惡副官補充包