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Felinia is the third part in the Gold Trilogy, after Valdora and The Golden City. In the first two parts, a city and a valley got explored; this time it is a whole country. Felinia is a trading, collecting, and exploring board game that is modular and includes both a beginner and an advanced game.
From the back of the box:
Gold! Spices! Felinia is a mysterious continent, full of exotic riches! It‘s up to you to establish profitable trading posts, but beware: the competition is stiff.
Alone or with a partner, hire a ship, fill its hulls full of refined merchandise, and set off to make yourself a fortune.
Felinia is extremely interactive. It mixes an original bidding system with clever movement rules. Felinia is fascinating and addictive, for players new to games as well as confirmed masters.
From the rule booklet:
In the City of Katzburg, merchants are all discussing the big news. The mayor, Henry-Cat, has signed a trade agreement with the newly-discovered continent of Felinia. In exchange for precious goods (rare books, fine wines, precision watches, luxury clothing, and refined glassware), the Kingdoms of Felinia have agreed to let them install trading posts.
Space is limited: You will have to act very quickly!
Four ships have been chartered by the City to visit the five countries on Felinia. To board them, you must have a specific combination of merchandise provided by the markets of the City and requested by the leaders of Felinia. This also means you will have to earn money to be able to afford those purchases.
The prices of the various merchandises are set by supply and demand, and can sometimes go very high! But it is the price you must pay to be on board one of the ships with hopes to establish a trading post on Felinia. Maybe you can collect gold and spices in the process!
Each player represents a Family of Merchants whose goal is to have the highest prosperity at the time the last ship leaves Katzburg.
Felinia is part three of "The Gold Trilogy" (besides The Golden City and Valdora)
2012 Games 100 Nominee, Best Strategy Game.
Game by Game 2011, Recommendation
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mah... un po' troppo casuale e di conseguenza incontrollabile per il tipo di complessità del gioco, che altrimenti sarebbe molto più interessante, basandosi su varie meccaniche più che collaudate (piazzamento lavoratori, produzione-gestione-scambio risorse, raccolta oggetti, ecc.) e rese, tutto sommato, abbastanza bene.
Quello che non torna è l'impossibilità di programmare il gioco per il turno successivo, dal momento che non si possono accumulare merci (massimo 3 gratis o 4 a pagamento) e, soprattutto, non si sa quali navi sarannno disponibili al turno seguante. Forse basterebbe scoprire un pasio di navi "in arrivo" (come avviene per esempio a Cuba) per rendere il gioco più programmabile e quindi godibile.
Sarebbe un 6,5 ma arrotondo per difetto per via della grafica un po' troppo "kitch" e per i colori di merci, navi e province sull'isola dei felini, che tendono a confondersi un po' (soprattutto marrone e nero)
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