Senza dubbio uno dei titoli più validi e "puliti" di Pfister, e insieme a Mombasa il suo prodotto più originale, qui in una versione leggermente limata. Ha il merito di aver rielaborato in maniera estremamente originale la meccanica della rondella.
America in the 19th century: You are a rancher and repeatedly herd your cattle from Texas to Kansas City, where you send them off by train. This earns you money and victory points. Needless to say, each time you arrive in Kansas City, you want to have your most valuable cattle in tow. However, the "Great Western Trail" not only requires that you keep your herd in good shape, but also that you wisely use the various buildings along the trail. Also, it might be a good idea to hire capable staff: cowboys to improve your herd, craftsmen to build your very own buildings, or engineers for the important railroad line. If you cleverly manage your herd and navigate the opportunities and pitfalls of Great Western Trail, you surely will gain the most victory points and win the game. The second edition of Great Western Trail includes solitaire rules, making for a player count of 1-4. Second Edition: Remember the old days in the West? Well, the times they are a-changing’! From new solo opponent to incredible landscapes, you won't know where to start. And there is a new herd of cows for you to sell! Great Western Trail is the critically acclaimed game of cattle ranching by Alexander Pfister. Players attempt to wrangle their herd across the Midwest prairie and deliver it to Kansas City. But beware! Other cowboys are sharing the trail with you. We invite you to saddle up! The Changes in the Second edition: Brand New Artwork by Chris Quilliams Solo Mode: A New Challenger in the West Dual-Layered Player Boards Addition of a new breed of cows: The Simmental breed Two new reversible buildings (#11 & 12) Twelve Exchange Tokens, First introduced in the Rails of North Expansion, for more interaction with other players Four new Master Tiles added for more strategy, replayability, and challenges —description from the publisher
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Gioco a mio modo di vedere superlativo. Grande qualità dei materiali e incredibile varietà strategica da adottare durante la partita. Il gioco può risultare un po' lungo per le prime partite a quattro giocatori, ma una volta assimilati i meccanismi scorre via che è un piacere sia in 3 che in 4. Devo ancora provare a giocarlo in due.
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