vabbè gioco rivelazione :D non gli daresti un centesimo e invece è geniale. in pratica i giocatori fanno un interessante set collection e giocano due alla volta per spartirsi delle carte
Eric M. Lang and Bruno Faidutti have joined forces to create the ultimate prisoner's dilemma game. Do you cooperate and risk getting outsmarted by a greedy player? Or do you compete and risk losing everything? You are pirates who just looted a ship and must negotiate how to split the treasure. There are seven types of loot with values from 1 to 3. At the end of the game, you only score the treasure types you have the most and least of. On each turn, open four new treasures: two in front of you and two in front of your neighbour. Simultaneously decide how to split them. Choices: Peace (I want the 2 in front of me) War (I want them all) First pick (I want just one, pick first) If both players choose peace, split the loot evenly. If both choose war, lose all treasure. If both choose first pick, lose all treasure and one of your gained treasure columns. The game continues until the Dawn Card is drawn. 15 minutes!
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