Game description from the publisher:
After a long and difficult hunt, the heroes of Middle-earth have captured Gollum and now escort their prisoner back to King Thranduil's palace in Mirkwood. There, Gandalf the Grey hopes to interrogate the wretched creature for the information he suspects may keep the One Ring out of the Dark Lord's clutches. But the journey back won't be easy!
The sixth and conclusive Adventure Pack in the "Shadows of Mirkwood" cycle, Return to Mirkwood puts your heroes in the difficult position of escorting Gollum through some of the darkest and most dangerous locations of Mirkwood forest. New predators stalk through the forest, drawn by Gollum's tantrums.
Return to Mirkwood expands the card pool for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game with 60 new cards, including a challenging new Quest, a new hero, and three copies each of new attachments, allies, and events.
- The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – Return to Mirkwood
- Der Herr der Ringe: Das Kartenspiel – Die Rückkehr zum Düsterwald
- Pán prstenů: Karetní hra – Návrat do Temného hvozdu
- Le Seigneur des Anneaux: Le Jeu de Cartes – Retour à la Forêt Noire
- O Senhor dos Anéis: Card Game – Retorno à Floresta das Trevas
- El Señor de los Anillos: El Juego de Cartas – Regreso al Bosque Negro
- Il Signore degli Anelli: il gioco di carte – Ritorno a Bosco Atro
- Władca Pierścieni: Gra karciana – Powrót do Mrocznej Puszczy