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From the ashes of war, nations rise to power in the atomic age. Each player takes control of a nation struggling for power in the latter part of the 20th century. They build up their nation’s industry, commerce, and government by acquiring resources, building structures, and tapping sources of energy. The price of oil is going up, and nuclear energy is the wave of the future. The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire is set in the same "universe" as The Manhattan Project, but it's a standalone game, not an expansion. The major threat in Energy Empire is not war, but uncertain global impacts, that result from side effects of industrialization and pollution. Many actions come with a cost. So, as nations become more industrious, they also increase the amount of pollution in the environment. Careful use of science can mitigate the harmful effects of industry, and can also help avert global crises. Energy Empire uses worker placement, tableau-building, and resource management mechanics. On each turn, a player can choose to either work or generate. On a work turn, a player plays a single worker on the main board, then uses workers and energy to activate cards in their tableau. Players may spend energy to use an occupied space on the main board, so no spaces are ever completely blocked. On a generate turn, players get to renew their supply of energy by rolling "energy dice" that represent nuclear, coal, oil, solar, and other forms of energy.
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Gioco davvero bello. Appartiene alla categoria dei german "medi" che amo molto perché facili da intavolare e giocare con chiunque ma in grado di offrire un livello di sfida ed una profondità non banali. Per capirci qualcosa di equiparabile a Marco Polo.
Venendo al gioco si tratta di un piazzamento lavoratori con combo di carte e gestione risorse. Nulla di particolarmente originale sebbene l'idea delle pile sia carina non è una novità assoluta. Tutto però scorre bene ed è condito con materiali davvero sontuosi (purtroppo anche il prezzo è, conseguentemente, importante).
Carina anche la grafica sebbene le plance a "foglio" sono robuste ma mi infastidiscono.
Il gioco dura poco (in 5 si sta in due ore anche alle prime partite) ma offre tante scelte mai banali e una discreta varità di vie per la vittoria. Per me promosso a pieni voti quindi.
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