Monotono, già visto, ripetitivo e francamente per niente stimolante.
The Key is missing, and it is up to the players to find it! The team leader tries to communicate with the other players, proposing clues by indicating their degree of affinity — strong medium/weak — with the object that the team must find. With good team-play, the other players remove the wrong cards, step by step, until the Key is all that remains. Removing the Key results in instant defeat, so be careful! One Key is a family game for all kinds of players, a light game that offers a co-operative experience based on the association of ideas and deduction. All the objects are like little universes of their own. Find the right one to solve the enigma! One Key is best played with an app with a three-minute timer and background music to add tension to your games. —description from the publisher
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