party game banale
The party game with a delicious twist!
A great mix of games for the laugh-out-loud party crowd!
Open up the game box. Sprinkle friends around the room. Mix up the coasters, Then pick'em at random to play 6 games. Stir in a dash of drama, a splash of laughs and a double shot of silliness, and you've got a happy hour that will last all evening long!
Pick a coaster... play a game!
Hum Punch:
Hum it up in a musical challenge. No singing allowed! Hmm-Hmm-Hmm
What Not:
Don't say what it is, say what it's not! Will your team guess "Hot Dog" when you say, "It's not a cool cat"?
Straight Up:
Write something true or funny about a teammate. Will you get points for telling it like it is?
Ready, aim, and fire balls into cups. The action changes with every draw of a card.
Mime Twist:
Zip your lips and act it out. Will your team guess "Stud Muffin" in the Lover Boy category?
Clay Smoothie:
Mold and fold clay into shapes that your teammates just might recognize... like a snowman.
Contents:35 Coasters, 430 Cards, 5 Plastic Cups, 2 Plastic Balls, Container of Partini Modeling Compound, 2 Pads of Paper, 4 Pencils, Timer, Die and Rules.
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