Troppo downtime: ci sono giochi di corse migliori in circolazione.
Start your Engines! Rallyman is a Roll and Move game with a simple yet exciting dice mechanic that invites players to push their luck and navigate the terrain as best they can. Will you take a risk and squeeze every last second out of the track, or will you play it cool and avoid spinning out on hard corners, bumps and other treacherous terrain? Holy Grail Games will be reimagining this classic 2009 racing board game. The first edition and its expansion Rallyman: Dirt not only sold out completely but in doing so federated a community that has continued to play to this day. Hosting monthly challenges, championships and even a World Cup, Rallyman has continued to survive in the heart of its devoted community despite being officially out of print for over 6 years. Now, Holy Grail Games will be bringing back this cult game for both new and veteran players in the form of Rallyman: GT! The main changes from the old edition are: Hexagon based track tiles that give you complete freedom to build your own tracks! a head to head racing system where you'll have to outdrive your opponents on the way to the finish line. Larger scale tracks and cars for a better playing experience. All new artwork from award winning illustrator Loic Muzy. The game's exciting core mechanics remained unchanged however and time attack mode will be back as a solo variant! —description from the publisher
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Per me davvero divertente! Più di heat. Unica regola aggiunta rispetto al set base, ma avallata dallo stesso autore che l'ha fondamentalmente resa una regola extra, RedLine, che permette, se sei in 6° marcia già ad inizio turno, di usare i dadi freno (quelli rossi) alla stregua di quelli bianchi (quelli di mantenimento marcia). Così aumenta l'aspetto simulativo e non di poco!
Giocato svariate volte online e un paio board prima di rivenderlo.
Gioco che fa della fortuna il suo principale aspetto. Se al tavolo qualcuno tira sempre bene è irraggiungibile. Qualsiasi startegia si adotti.
Fa la sua fortuna il gioco online a turni dove il downtime non si percepisce. Board è insopportabile. Capace passino 10 minuti tra un tuo turno e l'altro, inaccettabile.
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