A new civilisation for the board game: Greeks with Alexander the Great as leader. (Only available in German).
Startbonus: Regierungsform Demokratie
Startbonus: Infanterie beginnt auf Stufe 2
Spielbonus: +1 große Persönlichkeit extra pro großer Persönlichkeit
Spielbonus: Handelspunkte bleiben erhalten bei Erfindung einer Technologie, die noch niemand besitzt
Starts with Democracy
Infantry Level 2
Collecting two extra tradepoints each turn
After the Greeks research a tech that no other player knows or is researching this turn, they retain all of the tradepoints on their dial.
Each time the Greeks gain a great person, they draw one extra great person, keeping one and discarding the other.
This civilisation is also part of the expansion "Fame and fortune".
- Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game – die Griechen Promo Card