Near the end of the Second Age of Middle Earth in the year 3430. The Last Alliance of Men and Elves was forced to combat the resurgent power of Sauron. Led by Gil-Galad, the Elven King, and the high King of Men, Elendil, the Army of the Last Alliance decisively defeated the Dark Lord (Sauron) in the battle of Celebrant. Sauron (and presumably his evil servants, the Nazgul, said by some to be his children) fled to his Fortress-Prison, the Barad-Dur, or Dark Tower. It withstood a Seven Year Siege, and then fell when hunger swept the ranks of the Orcs (the Army of Sauron mostly consisted of these creatures. They came in assorted sizes, had leathery hide and unpleasant temper, and would soon kill each other as the enemy but for the powerful leadership of Sauron) and reduced the garrison to a point of being too weak to hold of fort. The final weeks of this siege and the final assault from the subject of this game. The Siege of Barad-Dur appeared in issue JagdPanther magazine #8, 15 January 1975, with PQ-17. The issue has been rereleased in PDF format by Amarillo Design Bureau.
- Siege of Barad-Dur
- The Siege of Barad-Dur, 3430