Una piccola perla nascosta, spiegazione iniziale un po ostica ma poi il gioco fila liscissimo, semplice ed immediato, con molte opzioni diverse, un vero semicoop con traditore che non rischia che il giocatore "perdente" tiri a far perdere tutti.
Sons of Faeriell is a strategic eurogame for 2 to 4 players, featuring a brilliant potential traitor mechanic and multiple endings. Faeriell is a verdant land of forests, mountains and lakes, set at risk by the menace of Corruption. All players have to face this threat, while pursuing their individual Achievements. If they fail to constrain the rise of Corruption, everyone loses the game. Collecting the most Achievements, while avoiding this fatal outcome, allows one player to win the game. Players guide different Tribes of Weybits, the youngest sons of Faeriell. They are tiny and industrious humanoids, with the common goal to preserve the environment from Corruption and help the Great Guardians, the giant keeper animals that watch over the land since remote times. The customization of the Weybit Heroes starts from the beginning with the selection of their Tribe Masks, original items which can be worn by the minis. Each color of those masks provides a different specialization. New Heroes can be dressed and upgraded during the game with the acquisition of Perks, additional abilities that make every character unique. Weybits can become the most efficient helpers to the Great Guardians, mastering the knowledge of nature and learning to fight Corruption. As an additional thrill to the game, one player can choose to change sides, get corrupted and gain the Corruption Sower as a new Hero, becoming able to win in the event Corruption defeats all others. Strategic choices lead to multiple endings, making every game a different story to be unfolded.
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