12 new Characters for Talisman from the German magazine Mephisto (Issue 48, April/May 2010).
The character cards come without miniatures but paper stands instead and are in German language; fully compatible with the German edition of the game.
There are 3 sheets á 4 characters, namely:
Dschinn (Djinn)
Glücksritter (Soldier of Fortune)
Magielehrling (Apprentice Magician)
Kurtisane (Courtesan)
Schwarze Hexe (Black Witch)
Satansdiener (Satan's Servant)
Gestaltwandler (Shapeshifter)
Goblinschamane (Goblin Shaman)
Exorzist (Exorcist)
Illusionistin (Illusionist)
Gaukler (Jester)
Märtyrerin (Martyr)
- Talisman (Revised 4th Edition): Mephisto #48 Promo Characters