The original Tiny Ninjas, also referred to as Tiny Ninjas "OG", is a 1-2 player, dice-throwing, head-to-head card game. Battles take roughly 10-15 minutes. Perfect for travel. Play right inside of the box! Learn to play Tiny Ninjas in 5 minutes. Offering high-energy, fast-action fun for ages 8+ Because of its size and utilizing the box as the play surface, it has an immensely small footprint making it ideal for gaming on the go - Planes, Trains, Camping, Lounging. Play anywhere, play everywhere! With 24 dynamic ninja characters, Tiny Ninjas has the perfect blend of push-your-luck and card management strategy to ensure every battle is unique and filled with intense moments!
- Tiny Ninjas: Original
- Teeny Tiny Ninjas
- Tiny Ninjas