Players struggle for influence over regions of Europe by placing two different type of control markers, Monasteries and Advisors. Monasteries are the basic placement, with the goal of securing a majority in a region or chain of monasteries or even decent points from second place. The placement of the Advisors is more restricted as the total number of Advisors in a region is limited by the majority player's number of monasteries. The game is played in two rounds and is very fast paced.
Online Play
http://www.boardgames-online.net (turn-based)
implemented bonus maps: China, Hellenia, Skandinavia, America, AD 850, Life on Mars, Big in Japan, Soviet Union
http://www.onlinebrettspiele.de/kuk/default.asp?l=en (Against AI)
Re-implemented by:
Expanded by:
Web of Power: The Vatican
Web of Power: The Duel
- Web of Power
- Kardinaal & Koning
- Kardinal & König
- 王と枢機卿