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Game description from the publisher:
Wings of Glory is a game system that allows players to recreate aerial combat during World War I and II, using cards and miniatures to represent the airplanes and their maneuvers. In Wings of Glory players will control one or more airplanes, taking to the skies to engage their opponents in aerial duels, or trying to accomplish a specific mission, such as recon, escort, or bombing.
The Wings of Glory: WW1 Rules and Accessories Pack is a complete game system that includes all the rules and accessories necessary to play the WW1 version of the game system. Players will find the core WW1 rules system presented in a beautiful forty-page color booklet with Basic, Standard, Advanced, and a wealth of Optional rules. Also included are all the rules and counters necessary to use special models (such as multi-engine bombers and balloons) and special weapons (anti-aircraft, rockets and incendiary bullets).
The pack also features four decks of Damage Cards (A, B, C, D); Target, Trench, Machine Gun, Anti Aircraft Guns and Bomb cards; four airplane consoles; two rulers; and counters.
Airplane miniatures are not included; the pack must be combined with two or more WW1 Airplane Packs or Special Packs (each featuring a miniature and its maneuver deck), or with a WW1 Starter Set.
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