Marauders of Chaos is one of the 2 official expansions released by Milton Bradley and Games Workshop for Battle Masters. This one adds about 25 new miniatures for the 'evil' side, including new powerful warriors and some additional rules. Not sure but apparently these expansions were released in Europe only.
Battle Masters
- Battle Masters: Chaos Warband
- Battle Masters: I Predatori del Caos
- Die Claymore Saga: Die Schatten-Legion
- Les Maraudeurs du Chaos
- Ridderstrijd: Chaos Plunderaars
Voti e commenti per Battle Masters: Chaos Warband
Aggiunte numeriche che non modificano il gioco. Da un'espansione ci si attenderebbe qualcosa di più.
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espansione carina
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Come l'altra espansione aggiunge dei gran bei picchiatori per poter avere la meglio sull'esercito avversario.
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