sarebbe bello averlo, peccato i prezzi improponibili delle poche copie rimaste.
lette le regole in pdf mi era quasi venuto in mente di comprarlo, ma ribadisco che il prezzo è esagerato
Robo Rally : Armed & Dangerous is the largest expansion made for Wizard of the Coast's award-winning ROBO RALLY.
It features 6 new boards (as many as the base game) and comes with 26 new option cards as well as counters to track the effects of the new option cards.
The boards add some new elements such as teleporters, randomizers, and water. The boards are also a lot more colorful, which is a welcome change.
Robo Rally
Other Expansions:
RoboRally: Grand Prix
RoboRally: Crash and Burn
RoboRally: Radioactive
- RoboRally: Armed and Dangerous
- Robo Rally: Armed and Dangerous