Roll-and-Write piuttosto semplice, l'unica cosa non immediata da spiegare sono gli edifici sulla destra del foglio. Evitate l'espansione.
It's 5 o'clock in the morning. You wake up as you do every day and get ready to get out of bed... Wait, the sun is already rising? Weird... The clock already shows 8:00 a.m.! What the hell happened to the rooster? You leave your house to check, but as soon as you step out you had it figured out: A hurricane destroyed all the fences in the area and the animals fled! However, they should not be that far and after fixing the fences it's your mission to recover them in the woods. In Rolling Ranch, all players use the same result from the dice to rescue animals and improve their ranch, with each player working on their own ranch sheet. Each player attempts to place the animals in their ranch the best way possible, and to construct buildings and receive bonuses that will help them achieve the highest score. Everyone plays at the same time! Who will be the most successful ranch to rescue their animals?
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