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From the Fantasy Flight Games Website:
"As if the return of the Dragon Lords wasn't bad enough, Terrinoth is under assault by another enemy, if anything more devastating and more implacable. With the return of the Dragon Lords comes the return of one of their most ancient foes: the Giant Lords."
In this expansion, Runebound (Second Edition) is played as normal, except that the cards from the expansion replace the Encounters and Events in the normal adventure decks. The blue challenge cards represent Giant Lords that are trying to conquer the world of Runebound.
When 8 Giant Lords have been defeated, an special endgame scenario begins where giants invade and occupy a number of cities on board. Defeating these foes will be a challenge, as they can even use items from the marketplace of the occupied cities!
This expansion of 30 cards includes:
6 green Events and Encounters
6 yellow Events and Encounters
18 blue Challenges
Belongs to the Runebound Series.
Runebound (Second Edition)
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