Unicorn Fever is a betting game in which unwitting unicorns and their mindless desire to run on rainbows are exploited by unscrupulous citizen of the fairy realm, for profit... and glory! Each player is a wealthy bettor, determined to be recognised as a the most skillful unicorn-race wagerer of the Unicorn Racing Championship and hold the title until the next rainbow appears. During 4 races, players will try to place successful bets to gain Victory Points and Gold. To reach their goal, they will buy Contracts with unscrupulous citizens of the fairy realm to hire their services and turn the odds of the race in their favor, play Magic cards to straight up fix it, and try to avoid squandering all their hard-earned Gold and be forced to ask the Elf-Mob for Loans. At the end of the Championship, the player with the most Victory Points will be the winner! >> GAMEPLAY HOW DOES THE RACE WORK? In Unicorn Fever the race is managed by an AI mechanism. When the race starts, you won't be able to perform any action: the unicorns will freely run and sprint on the board. All you can do is watch the race unfold, shouting and cheering for your favorite unicorn! WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS OF THE PLAYERS, THEN? Players will perform 3 actions before each race, allowing them to fix the race with Magic, place Bets, hire shady characters to gain special abilities, or even perform combos between the above. Since the action tokens available are limited, you will also have to read the intentions of your opponents and perform the actions you need before it is too late! WHO WINS? Players obtain Victory Points and money with each of their successful Bets over the course of 4 races. Bets can be placed on Victory (5VPs), or Podium (3 or 2 VPs). On average, unicorns with better odds run faster than those with the worse odds, but successful bets on slower unicorns pay better! Players must take risks and play wisely to turn the odds to their favor!
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