Divertente e coinvolgente! E' una sfida continua tra giocatori! una lotta senza tregua di cervelli! Peccato per lo sviluppo a Zig-Zag ma va bene lo stesso.
Provate a definire una distanza massima tra i piazzamenti delle prime città (4-5 caselle massimo), in tal modo gli scontri iniziano fin dai primi turni.
Ottimi i materiali e la scatola con ogni cosa al suo posto, ciò è fondamentale perchè la preparazione si riduce al minimo. Il massimo sarebbe avere le miniature degli edifici ma lo so che è chiedere troppo.
Set in the Italian countryside, this game features various city-states vying for population. Each player is given two cities to start with, and is charged with expanding the different aspects of the cities to attract larger populations.
Players build farms to feed their people, quarries to finance their expansions, marketplaces to allow growth in their cities, and bathhouses to keep their people clean and healthy. Additionally, structures can be built that give the city influence in one of three categories. Superiority in one of these categories will cause population to shift from other nearby cities when the Voice of the People is decided at the end of each turn.
At the end of six turns, the player with the most victory points, which are determined from well-rounded cities, well-fed populations, and overall size of population, will be the winner.
Note: The correct pronunciation is like "Cheetah", but with the accent on the last syllable: "La Chee-TAH".
- La Città