Giochettino senza troppe pretese, particolare l'ambientazione e ispirati i materiali.
In Counterfeiters, players take on the title role, printing fake bills and exchanging them for the real thing. The Godfather can help them avoid the police, but his protection comes at a cost. The game ends when the police complete their investigations into the counterfeiting industry, and the player with the most real (i.e., non-counterfeit) money wins! The game is situated in Miami, Florida and lets players compete to be the best counterfeiter. Players assume the role of anthropomorphic figures and while being protected by the godfather, they try not to pay him too much for the offered protection. Meanwhile, the police is investigating the counterfeiting industry, quickly making lower quality counterfeited money useless. Players each have three animal pawns and place them in turn order, immediately executing the associated action. Players can buy component cards on the black market, improving their opportunities for both printing fake money and processing it. Of course, players will exchange their fake money for real money and try to keep it away from the godfather by putting it away in an offshore account... —description from the publisher
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