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Warangel is a light, fantasy wargame, comprising now 120 warrior races, created and illustrated by Angelo Porazzi.
The first edition appeared in Italy in 1996 as a collectible game.
In 2000 the first boxed edition was produced and was awarded in 4 different italian luding Cons and Fairs:
Best Italian BoardGame in Ludex 2000 Bologna
BEST ITALIAN GAME in LuccaGames 2000, greatest luding fair in Italy
Best Italian Wargame in MilanoGames 2000
Best Self-produced game in AcquiComics 2001
From 2007 the game is available to satisfy gamers' requests with the service:
Create YOUR Warangel
well illustrated on official website http://www.warangel.it/WAbox.html
Now gamers may request their favourite RACES from any Generation already mounted on painted woodenblocks,
choose their favourite MAPS illustrating real sectors of Earth and receive your own customized copy of Warangel.
On website find plenty of pictures and samples.
All REFERENCE SHEETS and RULEBOOK are A4 format, fullcolor, in English.
MAPS are in A3 format, fullcolor.
All these materials are well protected in plastic folders.
In its first 15 years of life, Warangel reached thousands of gamers mostly in Italy but also in many countries all over the world.
Create YOUR Warangel
120 RACES available, choose your favourite from any Generation, already mounted on painted woodenblocks
120 REFERENCE SHEETS available in English or Italian
ALL Available hexed MAPS, representing real sectors of Earth
Integrates with:
Warangel Card Game
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Un piccolo gioiello di gioco, dove si può scegliere la propria tra più di cento razze diverse tra loro. Ogni razza ha la propria mappa ripresa da reali posti del nostro pianeta ed ognuna a suo modo letale. I disegni sono bellissimi, e con poche e intuitive regole, siamo di fronte a un gioco molto longevo vista la diversità di strategie per affrontare il numero impressionante di razze. E' un gioco in cui per vincere bisogna darsele di santa ragione senza risparmiarsi minimamente, stando accorti che anche l'avversario farà di tutto per venirvi a rompere le....uova nel paniere! Consigliatissimo!
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