Magic del trono di spade. Identico
This entry is for the Living Card Game (LCG) that was developed from the Collectible Card Game (CCG). For the CCG, go to A Game of Thrones CCG
This is no longer a CCG, having transitioned to Fantasy Flight Games' new Living Card Game (LCG) format. Excerpts from FFG's "LCG: A Player's Guide" (available here: http://www.agameofthrones.com/news-lcg-guide.html ):
"A Living Card Game (LCG) is a game that breaks away from the traditional Collectible Card Game (CCG) model by offering a new fixed card distribution method that still offers the same dynamic customizable, expanding, and constantly evolving game play that makes CCG’s so much fun, but without the blind buy purchase model that has burned out so many players. The end result is an innovative mix that gives you the best of both worlds!
The first phase is the release of a LCG Core Set. Every LCG will have an amazing, high quality and widely available entry point packed with content, including high-quality game pieces and immersive game aides to enhance the game. Core Sets are completely self-contained, with multiple decks included, providing a great game experience right out of the box.
The Core Sets are followed by monthly installments of expansion packs, each a set of forty fixed cards, providing an ongoing and regular addition to the available card pool. These expansion packs add customization, variety, and an ongoing “story” to everyone’s experience with the Core Game."
Starting with the Brotherhood Without Banners cycle, expansion packs come in sets of 60 fixed cards - 3 copies of 20 unique cards.
Starting in November 2011 Fantasy Flight are going to reprint the King's Landing and Defenders of the North Packs to the new 60 card format.
Resources for New Players:
Publisher's Video Tutorial
A Game of Thrones CCG
Re-implemented by:
Game of Thrones (HBO Edition)
List of all cards:
Card spoilers on CardGameDB.com
Der Deckbauer (German)
Chapter Pack Expansions:
A Clash of Arms
- The War of the Five Kings
- Ancient Enemies
- Sacred Bonds
- Epic Battles
- Battle of Ruby Ford
- Calling the Banners
A Time of Ravens
- A Song of Summer
- The Winds of Winter
- A Change of Seasons
- The Raven's Song
- Refugees of War
- Scattered Armies
King's Landing
- City of Secrets
- A Time of Trials
- The Tower of the Hand
- Tales from the Red Keep
- Secrets and Spies
- The Battle of Blackwater Bay
Defenders of the North
- Wolves of the North
- Beyond the Wall
- A Sword in the Darkness
- The Wildling Horde
- A King in the North
- Return of the Others
Brotherhood without Banners
- Illyrio's Gift
- Rituals of R'hllor
- Mountains of the Moon
- A Song of Silence
- Of Snakes and Sand
- Dreadfort Betrayal
Secrets of Oldtown
- Gates of the Citadel
- Forging the Chain
- Called by the Conclave
- The Isle of Ravens
- Mask of the Archmaester
- Here to Serve
A Tale of Champions
- Tourney for the Hand
- The Grand Melee
- On Dangerous Grounds
- Where Loyalty Lies
- Trial by Combat
- A Poisoned Spear
Beyond the Narrow Sea
- Valar Morghulis
- Valar Dohaeris
- Chasing Dragons
- A Harsh Mistress
- The House of Black and White
- A Roll of the Dice
A Song of the Sea
- Reach of the Kraken
- The Great Fleet
- The Pirates of Lys
- A Turn of the Tide
- The Captain's Command
- A Journey's End
- The Banners Gather
- Fire and Ice
- The Kingsguard
- The Horn That Wakes
- Forgotten Fellowship
- A Hidden Agenda
Conquest and Defiance
- Spoils of War
- The Champion's Purse
- Fire Made Flesh
- Ancestral Home
- The Prize of the North
- A Dire Message
- Secrets and Schemes
- A Deadly Game
- The Valemen
- A Time for Wolves
- House of Talons
- The Blue is Calling
Big Expansions:
Kings of the Sea
Princes of the Sun
Lords of Winter
Kings of the Storm
Queen of Dragons
Lions of the Rock
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Avvincente, molto imprevedibile nelle partite in 3 o più giocatori e con tante modalità aggiunte nel tempo che lo rendono un gioiellino. Molto fedele ai romanzi soprattutto nello spirito del gioco. Nonostante sia un gioco di carte la componente fortuna è molto limitata. Peccato che la seconda edizione abbia fatto morire il gioco, lezione imparata dalla FFG con il SdA. Posseggo tutte le carte della prima e continuo a giocarci nonostante il passare degli anni e l'arrivo di altri LCG nella mia collezione.
Il miglior gioco di carte, profondo ed avvincente. Possibilità di ribaltare la partita. Il fatto di confrontarsi su tre sfide diverse con esiti diversi e combinare il tutto con la trama scelta lo rendono unico. Se poi amate le cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco e siete furbi quanto un Lannister non potete farvelo scappare
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