From Introduction:
A downpour of time
Upon this static world
The river is a circle
Fed by winter rains.
Helical hearts, leading down
To undiscovered lands.
Feathered wings, leading up,
An ever-changing sky.
This is a weird little role-playing game inspired by Clannad, Air, Kanon, and other series of the same general style. This game is for stories about the everyday lives of young people, often but not always in high school. There's always a little bit of the mysterious that creeps into these stories, but it's subtle, and however entangled in such matters a character might be, he or she will still first and foremost be a person with desires and fears, just like anyone else.
Seasons is a very light and simple game, and the rules are mainly there to give you some basic guidelines for getting into some more or less free-form role-playing. You don't need any dice or anything like that, just something to write on and something to write with.
- Seasons